Karma, Karma, Karma, Kamillion

Do you believe in KARMA?

I mean, do you think that all the things that were done to you by the person that said they loved you will come back to them in one way or another?

Well, if you believe in karma then you much know that it works both ways.

That’s right!

When someone is not right for you and God has something better in store for you, they will continue to hurt you until you are strong enough to walk away!

Yes, at first it might be a slight whisper of something that they do are say that oversteps your boundaries.

Then it gets a little bit louder and it hurts you a little more.

Finally, if you don’t listen to your intuition, the betrayal will hit you like a TON OF BRICKS and you can not ignore it.

At that point, it’s all on you and you have to make a choice. Do I stay or do I go?

If you choose to stay, just know that hurtful things will continue to happen until you learn to love yourself more than your need to be with that person.

Sometimes self-love is knowing when to walk away!

When love is no longer served there… It’s time!

What did you have to realize before you knew it was time to walk away from the situation?

Let’s talk about it!


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